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+++ Bundestagswahl +++: Publizist Michel Friedman tritt aus der CDU aus

Grünen-Chef Banaszak lehnt Abkehr von Schwarz-Grün als Option ab +++ Orbán nach Migrations-Abstimmung im Bundestag – „Willkommen im Klub“ +++ Der Newsblog.

## Michel Friedman Leaves CDU: Disillusioned with Party Direction The Handelsblatt article reports on Michel Friedman, a prominent German publicist and political commentator, leaving the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) due to his disillusionment with the party's political course. The central idea revolves around a growing divide between Friedman's own values and the direction the CDU is taking, particularly in terms of its conservative stance on social issues. Friedman's departure is seen as a significant event as he is a respected figure within the party and his decision could signal a broader trend of dissatisfaction within the CDU, especially among moderate and liberal members. The article doesn't explicitly mention the upcoming Bundestagswahl (German federal election), but Friedman's decision is likely influenced by his desire to align himself with a platform more closely aligned with his views, possibly ahead of the election.

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